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Should I Upload a Resume to Indeed

Indeed is by far the largest job search site in the world. Indeed receives over 250 meg unique visitors every calendar month from over 60 unlike countries. If yous're searching for a task, y'all should certainly be browsing Indeed equally many employers use its platform.

You also should exist uploading your resume to Indeed so you can both easily utilize to jobs with a single click and have employers observe your resume in Indeed's database to accomplish out to you straight.

While Indeed has been innovative within the employment infinite, its resume builder is seriously lacking and could be costing you valuable opportunities. Nosotros'll go through some of the reasons you want to avoid using an Indeed resume and alternate solutions that will bring you better results.

Should y'all utilise Indeed'south resume builder?

ZipJob's squad of career experts, Fortune 500 recruiters, and experienced hiring managers recommend that yous do upload your resume to Indeed. This commodity covers the reasons why you lot shouldn't use its resume architect tool, specifically.

Indeed has a resume builder which allows you lot to input your information--skills, education, piece of work experience, etc.--which information technology formats into a resume y'all can use to use for various positions.

Indeed Resume Builder

In that location are a few reasons you shouldn't use the Indeed resume architect.

one. No ATS optimization

Most companies today apply what'due south called an ATS (Bidder Tracking System). An ATS is used past employers today to screen through resumes and laissez passer the most relevant and qualified candidates frontward to the hiring manager.

Near 75% of resumes are rejected because they're non correctly formatted or keyword optimized. Later in this article, we'll testify y'all a good ATS resume format and how you can go a free ATS resume test.

While the Indeed resume architect may give you a resume that integrates well with Indeed, it doesn't integrate well with other ATS systems employers utilize to screen candidates. When employers receive your resume from Indeed, they usually take it go through their own ATS organisation. Many people also utilize the resume they create on Indeed to utilize for jobs on other sites--which is a problem.

The first issue is that it doesn't offering a format that allows you to keyword optimize your resume.

The 2d result is that it downloads as a PDF file, which tin can be an consequence for ATS systems to procedure. You should be sending a Microsoft Word resume version versus PDF, unless the job posting specifically asks for PDF. What you lot might lose in formatting balances out with knowing that the ATS tin read your resume.

2 women looking at a laptop

Join more than i million people who accept already received our costless resume review.

In 48 hours, you volition know how your resume compares. Nosotros'll show you what'due south working--and what you should fix.

ii. Indeed's formatting is boring

While it's never a expert idea to turn your resume into an fine art project, you exercise want a format that stands out. You lot can come across that Indeed's formatting is very generic and plain. When hiring managers are going through hundreds of resumes a day, you want to stand up out a flake to capture their attention.

Take a wait here at Indeed's formatting:

Indeed Resume

You tin can see that the formatting is just too generic to stand up out.

Good Tip

View 200+ more professional resume samples for all industries, along with a guide to writing resumes from our career experts.

3. Limited options

The last reason you shouldn't use Indeed's resume builder is because it offers very limited options when information technology comes to formatting. It uses a simple chronological format that might not exist suitable for every job seeker.

There are currently 3 format options that are popular in the resume writing industry, and with practiced reason.

  • Opposite chronological resume format

  • Functional resume format

  • Hybrid resume format

Annotation: follow the links for guides and examples of each resume format.

Each of these format types has proved popular with recruiters. They are considered to be easier for software and human being recruiters to review, and present information in a way that recruiters adopt to run into. In short, they meet the target audience'due south demands.

Which resume format is right for yous depends on your work history, feel level, and the position you lot are targeting. You tin check out our post on the best resume formats hither to see which one is correct for yous.


You should certainly be uploading your resume on Indeed but nosotros recommend passing on its resume builder. The formats are non optimized for ATS systems, they're besides generic, and they offer petty customization. Y'all're better off uploading your own resume with unproblematic formatting and plenty of keywords.

Related posts:

  • 12 All-time Resume Builder Tools

  • How To Write A Resume With No Experience

  • Best Resume Writing Services (All Industries)


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