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Family From Stockton Lost Their Lives on the Conception

Yadira Alvarez-Peterson holds her 3-year-old daughter Renata Alvarez-Peterson close talking about her 16-year-old daughter Berenice Felipe, who was one of the 34 people who died in the Conception Boat fire one year ago today as family members with friends and officials gathered at Point Castillo at the end of Harbor Walk in the Santa Barbara Harbor where a plaque on a boulder was unveiled to memorialize the 34 lives lost in the Conception Diving Boat fire off Santa Cruz Island on the one year anniversary.

After the sun crept over the horizon Wednesday, the familiar soundtrack of this seaside city — crashing waves and circling seagulls — was, for a moment, drowned out by the reverberation of a chiming bong.

The chimes pierced the air 34 times — once for each of the victims who died a twelvemonth ago when the Conception dive gunkhole burned and sank off Santa Cruz Island, marking the deadliest maritime disaster in modern California history.

Onetime around 3:30 a.1000. on Sept. two, 2019, coiffure members aboard the Formulation, a 75-foot, woods-hulled vessel, woke upward to a loud noise and saw massive flames in the boat's galley. Directly beneath the fire, in the belly of the boat, was the main bunk room, where passengers slept, resting up for a scuba excursion.

The just escape routes were through two small exits that opened into the part of the gunkhole that was already engulfed in flames. Five crew members escaped, only 33 passengers and one crew fellow member sleeping below deck died in the fire. The Santa Barbara County coroner determined that the victims died of smoke inhalation.

Five members of the same Stockton family died in the fire. Michael Quitasol, a retired Stagg Loftier Schoolhouse instructor; sisters Evanmichel Solano Quitasol, who worked at St. Joseph'due south Medical Eye, Nicole Quitasol and Angela Rose Quitasol, a seventh-grade scientific discipline teacher at Sierra Middle School; and Michael Quitasol's wife, Fernisa Sison, a registered nurse.

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A preliminary National Transportation Safety Board investigation ended that crew members had been comatose in the wheelhouse and that there was no one awake keeping lookout man, which is required by the U.Due south. Declension Guard during hours when passengers are comatose below deck.

On Mon, the NTSB announced that information technology would concord a hearing in Oct to reveal the final results of its investigation of the origins and cause of the burn down, besides as an exam of the events that led up to the tragedy. The Declension Baby-sit is conducting a criminal probe of the burn down in consultation with the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the FBI.

The dive boat Conception is engulfed in flames after a deadly fire broke out aboard the commercial scuba diving vessel off the Southern California Coast in September 2019.

A found that the Declension Baby-sit had rejected prior NTSB recommendations for tougher fire condom rules for pocket-sized boats like the Formulation. The Declension Guard has the sole say-so over such vessels.

During a message recorded ahead of the anniversary ceremony, and afterwards in conversation, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Pecker Brown remembered the victims. Many lived in California, he said, simply others were visiting from every bit far as China, Singapore and India.

Among them, Brown said, were scientists, engineers, athletes, immigrants, chief executives, high schoolers, a nutritionist, a biologist, a marine conservationist, a barber, a photographer, a venture capitalist and a visual effects designer.

"United past their mutual sense of take chances and dear of the ocean," he said.

For the families of the victims, the ceremony stood as a solemn reminder of a devastating year.

They gathered Wed to reminisce about all the new memories they fabricated in the by year — memories that now felt empty in some style.

More:Criminal charges loom in boat burn down that killed 34, including 5 members of Stockton family

Some of the victims' relatives boarded the Condor Express, a big, whale-watching vessel, which carried them out to Platts Harbor. They stopped for a moment of silence as they looked out at the crystal-clear h2o, down at the place where their loved ones had died.

Other relatives stayed on shore, spending the morning time near a memorial decorated with stale sunflowers, a white rosary and a pair of swim flippers inscribed with the number 34. Nearby, Kathleen McIlvain walked toward a boulder on which is mounted a sea-foam green plaque that reads, "IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES SEPTEMBER 2, 2019."

She reached down and ran her fingers over the fourth name on the plaque: Charles "Chuck" McIlvain.

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She thought about her son — about how deeply she missed him — and tears traced down her cheeks, falling behind her mask. Her 44-year-one-time son, a visual effects designer with a wide grinning, had worked on "Spider-Man," "Greenish Lantern" and "Watchmen."

"Nosotros shouldn't be here," McIlvain said, softly. "This should take never happened."

That complaining was common among the grieving loved ones.

James Adamic, who lost his sis, Diana, said he hoped to meet his sister and the other victims honored not only with words, but besides with deportment. He hopes to run across changes through legislation, he said, as well equally a deeper focus on safe amidst boat operators.

"This was a completely preventable tragedy," Adamic said. "Unproblematic things like ameliorate escape hatches and burn down detection could have spared us all our grief."

The retired Sacramento County Sheriff's Department employee said he took some solace, nonetheless, in the thought of the first responders who rushed to the scene a year ago. They faced an impossible situation, he said, but they did their best.

"That brings some condolement to united states all."

In a recorded online remembrance, Harbor Patrol Officer Ryan Kelly recalled how he responded with partner Karl Halamicek in a patrol gunkhole when the MV Conception was reported ablaze off Santa Cruz Island shortly afterwards iii a.m. on Sept. 2, 2019.

"It would turn out to be the most tragic phone call of our careers," Kelly said.

The plaque is located on a boulder on the breakwater near the harbor's Lost at Sea memorial, which is adorned with mementos of the Conception victims.

The online event included recorded video messages by local officials to the families of those who died.

"May you find peace," said Santa Barbara Mayor Cathy Murillo.


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